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Ash Gray.

vs : XiAlbook Link1 Link2
font : Lucida Grande, Myriad Apple
wall : rcooktext by Dru Link

+ 눌러봐 :D


Comic Green.

vs : SoapSky Link
font : Comic Sans MS + 필기체, Myriad Apple
wall : Green Star :D modded by me.
(Original image : Phosphoric Acid / David Lanham)



Delicate blue light.

vs : pm2k5 Link
font : HandelGotDBol, Myriad Apple
wall : Blue_Canvas by me.... ^^;;;;;;;



The Yellow ;P

vs : MakkiX Bros(moded by Vipers) Link
font : LucidaMacBold, HandelGotDlig, Myriad Apple
wall : Yellow_Blood by me.... ^^;;;;;;;

Thanks to Vipers & my friends.. :)

+ 눌러봐 :D


Shout a longing.

vs : Lie
font : 산돌단아B, Lucida Grande, 가을체
wall : Cameron Diaz Link




vs : Truth
font : LucidaMacBold, Candara, 가을체

+ 눌러봐 :D



vs : Milk Orange
font : Lucida, Candara

wall : < Link >

그렇습니다.. 이 스샷은 빤똬스틱님의 스샷을 불법 카피한 스샷입니다.. ;P

+ 눌러봐 :D


The Naked Truth.

vs : Xinily by sky1983628 Link
font : HandelGotDlig, Candara
wall : Grey P by Biodesks Link

Foobar 2K with Toaster
TLB, RkLauncher, Avedesk, Y'z shadow, Rainlendar, Miranda IM, Styler Toolbar

+ 눌러봐 :D


Crunky :D

vs : Crunky
font : LucidaGrande, Candara, Calibri
wall : 성은 ^^;; Link

Foobar 2K with Toaster
TLB, RkLauncher, Y'z shadow, Rainlendar, Miranda IM, Styler Toolbar

+ 눌러봐 :D


Fashion :D

vs : iMagine
font : Candara
wall : Fashion shot by booqym [Link]

Foobar 2K with Toaster
TLB, RkLauncher, Y'z shadow, Rainlendar, Miranda IM, Styler Toolbar,Tclock

+ 눌러봐 :D