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Bjork - Wanderlust

Bjork - Wanderlust

Wanderlust (방랑벽).. 평소에 이 아줌마 하는 꼬라지를 생각하면 별로 이상할것도 없는 비디오지만, 3D 안경은 어떻게....;;;;

I am leaving this harbour
Giving urban a farewell
Its habitants seem to keen on God
I cannot stomach their rights and wrongs

I have lost my origin
And I don't want to find it again
Whether sailing into nature's laws
And be held by ocean's paws

Wanderlust! relentlessly craving
Wanderlust! peel off the layers
Until we get to the core
Did I imagine it would be like this?
Was it something like this I wished for?
Or will I want more?

Lust for comfort
Suffocates the soul
Relentless restlessness
Liberates me (sets me free)

I feel at home

Whenever the unknown surrounds me
I receive its embrace
Aboard my floating house

Wanderlust! relentlessly craving
Wanderlust! peel off the layers
Until we get to the core

Did I imagine it would be like this?
Was it something like this I wished for?
Or will I want more?

Wanderlust! from island to island
Wanderlust! united in movement
Wonderful! I'm joined with you


Can you spot a pattern?

(relentlessly restless)

Can you spot a pattern?
Can you?

비욕의 3D 안경용 뮤직 비디오 : Bjork "Wanderlust' Music Video
Bjork - Wanderlust [MV]
신비롭고, 동화적인 카리스마 - 비욕(Bjork)


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  1. Subject : 비요크 Wanderlust 뮤비 입체3D, 2D버전

    Tracked from 레벨시팔쩜넷 2008/11/29 11:27 del.

    비요크(bJORK)는 음악(특히 비트)에서의 실험도 그렇지만, 영상에서의 여러가지 실험은 앞으로도 계속 될듯하다. 팀버랜드와의 만남으로 이전까지와는 또 다른 음악을 만들어내는 비요크. 다음번에는 어떤 음악을 들려줄게 될까? WANDERLUST' IN 3-D 입체안경없을시 대안보기 2D버전보기